This series explores further applications and techniques using OAG (Original Amber Glaze). It is a small format series, meant for limited-edition prints.

“Pieces” is a unique series featuring 8 Freestyle Mandalas. Mandalas, originally derived from ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions, are circular designs that symbolize unity, balance, and harmony. They often feature intricate patterns radiating from a central point, creating a sense of symmetry and interconnectedness.

What are Freestyle Mandalas?

While embracing the core concept of mandalas they diverge from strict geometric guidelines. Their philosophy centers around embracing spontaneity, individuality, and creativity while incorporating traditional mandalas’ symbolic and meditative aspects. This is where the creativity flows freely, allowing intuition and imagination to guide the creation process.

In essence, freestyle mandalas celebrate the beauty of imperfection, embracing the spontaneous nature of art while still maintaining the fundamental principles of unity and harmony found in traditional mandalas.

All artwork is abstract, using OAG in different concentrations, on small (16”x20”) gallery unwrapped canvas. Available in different sizes.